Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Conversation Analysis


Conversion Analysis

Watch the clip. Ask yourself - what do I think of the characters? Who is the most dominant? Who thinks they have 'won' the conversation?

I think that Hanibal Lecter is the most dominant in the clip as you can see that Clarice is hiding her fear though she is trying to act professional in front of Hanibal. I think that Hanibal is a very smart character who thinks through things clearly and knows how to get what he wants. I think that Hanibal had won the conversation, although it might not be clear. One of the ways that the director hinted that Hanibal had won the conversation was through the different types of camera shots throughout the clip. From the very start of the clip Hanibal is in the centre of the camera, being the centre of attention. Hannibal is already aware of his surroundings and Clarice is in a foreign environment where she feels uncomfortable. This is shown through the 180 degree rule and especially shown through Hannibal occupying most of the screen in some shots. Hanibal Lecter seems to be standing his ground a lot more than Clarice as in the shots he stands in a stable stance in the middle of the screen, this shows his dominance throughout the clip.

Watch the clip again. When does power shift happen? What dialogue is used?

The power shift happens when Hannibal starts asking questions more profoundly towards Clarice. This is a shift in power as Clarice is the one that is meant to be asking the questions and getting evidence, the tables turn and it is sudden. Hannibal getting information from Clarice to his liking instead of the other way around. The dialogue that is used with Hanibal is very different compared to the dialogue between Clarice. Hannibal seems to be using very descriptive words to try and shape Clarices mind aswell as show his first impressions towards the audience. He is doing this to try and get into Clarices head making her uneasy which is pulling her away from the job that she is trying to do.

Look at the shapes within the composition of the shots - have angles changed? Who fills the frame? Who spends longer on screen? Who seems big? Who seems less significance?

The angles change during the power shift as instead of Hanibal being at a slight angle within the frame, he is brought directly in front of the camera showing Clarices POV (Point Of View) the unsettles the audience as you are feeling what Clarice is feeling. In Clarices framing she is in a slight angle slightly further away from the camera compared to Hanibal. The Director does this to make Clarice look small compared to Hanibal. Hanibal spends longer on the screen as the Director wants the audience to feel a connection and a direct relationship with the character, this makes the words that Hannibal says more powerful and clearly affecting the audience and Clarice in an enhanced way. Hannibal, because he fills up most of the screen in his shots, he feels bigger than Clarice even though Hannibal is the one behind locked bars. Clarice and Hannibal seem equally significant as we the audience are just building a connection with both of them.

Do these changes in the composition you have identified match with power shift in the conversation?

Indeed the changes in the composition I have identified matches with the power shift in the conversation, as I said earlier Hannibal turns the tables around as he starts asking the questions instead of Clarice. And with the camera framing of Hannibal's close up shots and Clarices POV and high angle shots, it makes Hannibal look way bigger than clarice even though Clarice is not the one behind locked bars and thick glass.

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